Types of Cricket Equipment

Cricket is the most popular game in the world, which is played by almost all countries. This bat and ball game was first discovered in the 18th century by England. It is also the national game of England. Since cricket was invented, this game has gained popularity around the world.

To start playing cricket, you will need a complete set of cricket equipment. The most important equipment you will need regarding cricket is just a cricket bat and a cricket ball. But there is so much more to it than that. Some of the other cricket equipment is cricket clothing, shoes, guards, gloves, stumps, helmets, caps, etc.

Cricket bat is the most important equipment for cricket and is available in various scales. Starting from bats with less weight for children and ending with heavy bats for professionals. You can choose a cricket bat based on a number of factors, such as manufacturer or brand, age group, weight, size and even price. Cricket bats usually weigh between 1.1 and 1.4 kg. But in this regard there are no restrictions or standards. The bat grip is covered with rubber or cloth to ensure a good grip.

There are various guards to protect the player from injury while playing cricket. The helmet is used by players with bats and wickets. The batsman must wear a protective glove for the legs. Hand protection is also one of the cricket defenses that is used to protect hands.

There are various other protective equipment for protecting, such as protecting the abdominal cavity, protecting the chest, pads of the hips, etc. However, not all players on the team are allowed to wear these protective equipment. Only batsmen and the owner of the gate can wear this type of cricket equipment.


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